
Apache, PHP and MySQL portable?

Sure thing, XAMPP works well for this. It bundles Apache, MySQL, PHP (and Perl) and can work on Windows, Solaris, Mac OSX or Linux.


This project is for web developers who prefer manually editing configuration files and want manual but quick startup of Apache and MySQL (no Windows services).

Download XAMPP

XAMPP是一個易於安裝的Apache發行版本,其中包含MariaDB、PHP和Perl。僅僅需要 ... 1.1 Portable. 包含: Apache 2.4.58, MariaDB 10.4.32, PHP 8.1.25, phpMyAdmin ...


Downloads & Installation Instructions. Installing PHP is covered thoroughly in the PHP documentation. Binaries. Binaries are available for Microsoft Windows. PHP logos · PHP 8 ChangeLog · PHP Git Repository · GPG Keys


PHP DEVSERVER is portable, modular, fully configurable and easy to update and customize (see modules and components) ... DOWNLOADS: 20M+. for Windows 7/8/10 ... Downloads · EasyPHP Devserver 17.0 · Warehouse · Documentation

PHP完全免安裝開發及執行環境for Windows

安裝. 直接使用 7-zip 或是其它可以解7z格式的解壓縮軟體解壓縮後放在任一磁碟機的 根目錄 下即可。 重要:必須放在任一磁碟機的「根目錄」下。

USBWebServer v8.6.5 with PHP 8.1, v8.6.4 with PHP 8.0 and v8.6.3 ...

Most light weight local portable web server with Apache, PHP, MySQL and PHPMyAdmin for Windows on the Web. Just unzip enywhere (including USB flash drive), run ...

Windows - 免安裝網頁環境Apache + PHP

Windows - 免安裝網頁環境Apache + PHP · 參考資源 · Apache VS17 - 下載 · Apache VS17 安裝、設定 · PHP - 安裝 · PHP - 整合到Apache · PHP - 安裝其他 ...

XAMPP 8.2.12 免安裝版

XAMPP 8.2.12 免安裝版- 取代AppServ的免費PHP架站程式組 ... 阿榮評語: [2011.09.25] 免安裝下載並解壓縮後執行「xampp-control.exe」主控台程式。

XAMPP可攜式(Portable XAMPP)如何安裝?



Surething,XAMPPworkswellforthis.ItbundlesApache,MySQL,PHP(andPerl)andcanworkonWindows,Solaris,MacOSXorLinux.,ThisprojectisforwebdeveloperswhoprefermanuallyeditingconfigurationfilesandwantmanualbutquickstartupofApacheandMySQL(noWindowsservices).,XAMPP是一個易於安裝的Apache發行版本,其中包含MariaDB、PHP和Perl。僅僅需要...1.1Portable.包含:Apache2.4.58,MariaDB10.4.32,PHP8.1.25,phpMyAdmin ...,Downl...